Monday, September 14, 2009

Chippewa Moraine Ice Age Reserve

The hiking book says that the Chippewa Moraine Ice Age Reserve contains a 4.5 mile hike (also known as the Circle Trail), which is the hike we completed, but there are also several shorter hikes not mentioned in the book. The Dry Lake Trail is a 1.8 mile loop and the Mammoth Nature Trail is a .7 mile loop. The 4.5 mile Circle Trail took us about an hour and 45 minutes.

I have to admit I have a phobia about bears, and this hike was woodsy, secluded, and long enough that my bear encounter fears reared their ugly little heads. But I've learned that the more you do something, the less afraid you are, and the less you do things, the more afraid you become. Just keep on trucking!

After all, think of everything you might miss out on if you let your fears dominate you. Here is a view taken from one of several bridges on the Circle Trail.

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