Monday, June 15, 2009

Can you tell I like quotes?

I got these once at a leadership seminar I went to...some of them are kind of cheesy but still insightful and inspirational...the main thing I learned at this seminar, which is also reflected in these quotes, is that everything starts with ourselves. It's so easy to blame other people for our problems or conflicts, but the reality is we always play an equal role. No matter who we are or what kind of environment we're in, we are responsible for ourselves and how we react in any given situation.

The right & responsibilityto be talking about how to keep the organization moving forward.

More than 75% of people at work today will not tell their boss the truth because they don’t believe it is safe to do so.

You must make certain everyone understands what you are trying to do.

Never mistake lack of awareness for what is happening as resistance to change.

Diplomacy is the Art of Letting Someone Else Get Your Way.

Leadership is not about managing our environment.
It’s about managing ourselves in the midst of our environment.

To change the culture we must conform to the prevailing management culture enough to be seen as credible and non-threatening.

For every complex problem there is asolution that is simple, neat and wrong.
H.L. Mencken

Real past threats can turn into present imagined ones.

Never let your perception about what was said keep you from determining what was meant.

Are you willing to hear the problems people perceive you to be a part of?

Calm creates order and order allows us to solve problems.

People will forget what you said and what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.
~Maya Angelou

If we try to solve a problem without first overcoming the confusion and aggression in our own states of mind, then our efforts will only add to the problem.

Actions that neither encourage wanted behavior, nor discourage unwanted behavior:
Hinting at the truth
Beating around the bush
Hoping they will figure it out themselves
Assuming they already know

The real art of conversation is not only to say theright things in the right place, but to leave unsaid the wrong things at the tempting moment.

There is nothing so wasteful as doing with great efficiency that which doesn’t have to be done at all.

Life shrinks or expands inproportion to one’s courage.
~Anais Nin

No problem is solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.
~Albert Einstein

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
~Eleanor Roosevelt

He who travels fastest goes alone.

Stress is your reaction to an event, not the event itself.

It is the set of the sail, not the direction of the wind, that determines the way we go.

People don’t care how much we know until they know how much we care.

Empowerment is threatening and foreign to people who have learned through experience not to exercise personal discretion and judgment in their jobs.
~Peter Senge

Argue for your limitations and they’re yours.
~Henry Ford

We’re entitled to brood in our offices, but in groups we have a responsibility to be energetic.

When an archer misses the mark he turns to look for fault within himself.
Failure to hit the bullseye is never the fault of the target.
To improve your aim, improve yourself.
~Gilbert Arland
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