Wednesday, July 7, 2010

An update on "limited term" employee reform

In an earlier post I wrote about my involvement in LTE reform issues for the approximately 200 "limited term" positions here on campus in which people work long term for low wages and minimal benefits. The latest development was a May article in the campus newspaper highlighting our work in this area.

After that article was published I was contacted by some folks at UW-Madison, where they have a comprehensive LTE reform plan, about coming to our campus for discussions on how we might achieve what they have. And now it's a reality! The following link to a press release describes the meeting that will take place on our campus next week. I view this as a true milestone as we've never gotten this far in our discussions of this very sensitive topic on our campus. I'll keep you updated. Regardless of what happens, I feel lucky to be part of something so important, as it has the potential to improve working conditions for so many people.
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