Monday, August 24, 2009

Hiking for the Soul

This weekend we purchased the book 50 Hikes in Wisconsin by John & Ellen Morgan.

Our first pick was Hike #8, Hoffman Hills State Recreation Area, in West-central Wisconsin.

The Tower Nature Trail at Hoffman Hills is about 2.7 miles and takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes. It has lots of hills and, as the book says, provides a challenging yet peaceful workout.

Here are two views from the top of the tower that is located at the highest point (about 110 feet) on the trail.

My goal is to complete all the hikes in the book, and then possibly buy the Minnesota version of this hiking series.

I have long anticipated finding a hobby that c and I can do together, which combines exercise with meditation and relaxation for the soul.

If there's anything I've learned in the last few years it's the connection between stress and illness.

Take care of yourself.
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