Monday, July 19, 2010


The LTE reform meeting was not what I’d hoped for. I was disappointed. I know that it’s an accomplishment that people were willing to sit around a table and talk about the issue, which has probably never been done on this campus before. I should focus on that. On the other hand, I thought it was focused on protecting the rights of union workers and not focused on how we could all give up a little bit to encourage equity for limited term employees. Even the living wage issue was not well received because we couldn’t have LTEs making more than what union-represented permanent workers make…

Overall the way it came across to me was they are interested in protecting LTEs as long as it means securing additional permanent union-represented positions, but not specifically interested in LTE rights in any sense (the statement “it’s about the position, not the person” was repeated numerous times).

In addition there was a lot of time spent talking about a manual they made which basically consists of screen captures educating LTEs about how to apply for jobs on the Wisc site…and discussion of interviewing skills and other things. I understand these things are helpful but I don’t think that gets at the real issues…50% of our LTEs have college degrees. Many have applied for numerous jobs. I think we all know this isn’t about teaching people how to buff up their resumes or interview better. But, I also lack a complete understanding of all the politics and complexities involved….and at this point I’m starting to feel like I’m not sure I want to understand any more if I am going to hold on to any sort of a positive attitude. Anyway, that’s my take on it….
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