Friday, February 25, 2011

Goodbye Winter

Here are some scenes from this winter. I'm ready to say goodbye to you, winter. Two weekends ago it was 40 degrees outside and it felt like a heatwave. We had our windows open and went outside walking and I even removed the outer lining of my winter coat! But you tricked us. It was 12 degrees this morning. And we had 12-15 inches of snow last Sunday/Monday, with another storm forecasted this weekend.

Our backyard

Snow obstructing our garage

A picnic table at work

Friday, February 18, 2011

Taking a Break from Serious Stuff

Clean Refridgerator - Just Like New

I'm taking a mental break from the very important, serious, controversial stuff going on all around me with Governor Scott Walker's proposed budget repair bill to say that I accomplished something very important. Something long overdue. I cleaned my refridgerator. I will spare you a "before" picture -- just trust me -- this cleaning was badly needed.

Although I didn't specifically articulate this as a goal in my previous post about goals--this dirty, rotten, stinking refridgerator has been vexing me for quite some time.

Every time I opened that stinking refridgerator I was increasingly annoyed. Crumbs. Stains from old food spills. Shelves filled with expired condiments. Dirt in the produce drawers. This was utterly unacceptable!

I procrastinated on this because I was overwhelmed. Until I decided it was ok to complete this project over several weekends. This became a multi-weekend project. I tackled the expired jars of condiments and the resulting recycling avalanche on a few previous Saturdays. This past weekend I removed every shelf and drawer and piece of glass and washed every last crevice.

Then, I put all of our food back in and re-organized everything. No more half-eaten cardboard circles of frozen pizza, I told my husband. He agreed. It was dirty, and it sure looks good now.

Having done this, I'm now much more motivated to eat healthy. I can actually see and find everything we have and I feel much more in control of our food situation. I feel clean. I love feeling clean. I feel like I can accomplish another goal, should I set one.

And that reminds me...goals. I finished my KSurf writing class, three days prior to my deadline. I have a non-fiction book and a novel roughly scratched out in my head. I just can't decide which form to tell my story in. That's another post.

Also, spring is almost here...we've had a few days of 40-degree weather, and I've been out walking every day. I finished Joan Didion's "The Year of Magical Thinking" and loved it. I saw the movie Sanctum (it was ok) and made muffins. Hello goals and good bye winter funk!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Some Unexpected Good News for Limited Term Employees on our Campus

In light of all the controversy about Governor Walker’s budget repair bill, and the upcoming cuts to our salary and benefits, I was elated to see the following in my email today, a memo from our HR Director, on behalf of our Chancellor, initiating a committee and other initiatives to represent “limited term” employees. This is a milestone!

In November 2009 I published an article about the inequities surrounding limited term employment on our campus. Soon after, I was asked to join the Commission on the Status of Women. I brought this LTE issue to the Commission and we spent all of the 2010 academic year preparing and drafting a proposal that we recently sent to the Chancellor with specific recommendations, including the need to employ limited term employees at a living wage.

It was a slow and tedious process—and just recently I had begun to believe the proposal would sit somewhere on someone’s desk and fade into oblivion. I was even more disturbed when Governor Walker’s budget repair bill was released, which will cut health insurance and retirement system benefits for all limited term employees.

Then, in an email to campus yesterday, the Chancellor said the following:

There are many misperceptions about state employee and specifically university employee salaries and benefits as being significantly above those in the private sector. We all need to be aware of the facts and make sure that we communicate them to our legislators and fellow citizens. Here, for example, are the median annual base salaries of our employee categories:

Classified employees (419 employees) $31,540

Unclassified (810) $53,217

LTE (88 who are in the WRS) $25,140.

Since the governor’s announcement on Friday, I have been truly impressed by our campus community’s response. I share the genuine concern for those most affected by regressive elements of this proposal, namely LTE and low-salary employees. We have been working with the Women’s Commission to see how we might address the difficult status of LTE employees, and this bill will make that task even more urgent.
I was impressed by the sensitivity and awareness of how devastating this budget repair bill is for limited term employees. In my eight years here, I've never heard anyone at the administrative level even approach the topic of "limited term" employees or their rights. I couldn’t help but feel that in part, our work on the Women’s Commission had played a vital role in spreading awareness of this important issue.

Then, today, I saw the following from HR. To have this equity initiative, backed by HR and the Chancellor, complete with a committee to represent LTE issues, and tasked with the objective of securing a living wage, is monumental! LTEs have never had any representation on this campus, and I would go as far as to say it has been somewhat taboo to even talk about it.

February 10, 2011

To: All Classified and Limited Term Employees

From: Donna Weber

Director, Human Resources

RE: Promotion of Equality

Chancellor Levin-Stankevich has asked me to lead our classified staff, limited term employees and academic staff in identifying perceptions of, and actual inequities across campus employee groups. I am honored and pleased to lead this “Gold Arrow Project Charter,” which is the first of its kind on this campus, and a direct result of the Strategic Planning efforts.

Although we have limited authority to adjust salaries, we pledge to do whatever we can to ensure a feeling of inclusivity and equality for all employees.

I am working very closely with the Chancellor, Teresa O’Halloran and Jack Connell, and they are committed to this important effort. This project is supported by the Women’s Commission. I am also working collaboratively with the Student Affairs Leadership Fellow (Christopher Buckley) to enhance our new employee orientations.

One of the first things I want to do is establish a Staff Council that would be willing to work with me by supporting the effort and providing a voice for all classified staff and limited term employees to provide important and valuable input to the UW Eau Claire administration. This council could bring forth recommendations, ideas for professional development, etc.

The current classified committees (scholarship committees, professional development committee, etc) would be folded into this larger committee.

Following are some ideas that I (and others) have for the committee’s charge:

• Explore options for professional development

• Plan and prepare for a professional development day/s for ALL Employees to be held in August (between summer session and the onset of the academic year)

• Find new ways to reward employees for excellence in service

• Provide a collective voice for the administration

• Enhance new employee orientations

• Encourage the administration to have classified representation on more administrative search committees

• Provide LTEs a living wage
If the budget repair bill succeeds at stripping limited term employees or their health insurance and retirement benefits, I’m not sure how much this campus initiative will realistically help them…but it gives me hope that with persistence and passion you can bring an issue to the table and make something happen. Hopefully we can continue the work, even if we must wait until we have the leadership of a new governor.

Friday, February 4, 2011

How To Beat Your Winter Funk

For weeks I’ve been completely unmotivated. It happens to me every January. The weeks of sub-zero temperatures wear me down. Eventually I find myself on the couch every night, watching way too much of my favorite programs, like TrueBlood or Dexter or Californication or whatever I can get my hands on.

I haven’t even cooked an actual dinner in weeks. I don’t feel like eating…nothing sounds good…I have no motivation to prepare anything. It is the time of year when I fall into my most unhealthy habits, and I feel like everything I love doing so much, like having a garden, canning/preserving food, cooking, eating healthy, exercising, is all so far out of reach.

How can I break out of this funk?

We all know the common things that we should be doing….exercise, get eight hours of sleep, eat vegetables, meditate, whatever. I know what I should be doing, I just don’t do it. It’s dark all the time. It’s cold. I’m always tired. And cold. I go home and put my pajamas on.

One night this week I did manage to pick up the book I’m reading, The Year of Magical Thinking, by Joan Didion (which, by the way, I am enjoying quite a bit…her story is about grief and hope and strength and reminds me of my experience with my mother and her stroke) instead of turning on the TV. I guess that is one step in the right direction.

How do you get out of your funk?

I’m reminded of a post this week on my friend’s blog, Fat Girl Fed Up, about setting goals. Maybe that is what I need to do. A weekly goal for blog posts. A weekly goal for reading. A weekly goal for the draft of my novel……I am going to start small so I don’t get overwhelmed, and then keep setting goals. Notice I am mixing business and pleasure for motivational purposes……..

Starter Goals:
  • Make healthy Pumpkin muffins for our “breakfast theme” Superbowl party
  • See a movie (I am REALLY intrigued by the preview for Sanctum)
  • Finish KSurf Fiction Writing workshop assignments by 2/14. THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT. This weekend, catch up on lessons
  • Finish my office…l’ll post some pictures in an upcoming post…finishing my own personal writing space is related to my writing goals!
  • Finish “The Year of Magical Thinking” by the end of February and start a new book
  • Paint my bedroom by the end of February
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